University Details

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Bashkir State Medical University


About University

In 1913, in Bashkiria there were only 143 doctors. Due to a lack of doctors many people had to apply to ignorant witch-doctors, mullahs, exorcists, and thus, were deprived of appropriate medical aid. Children death rate (at the first year of their life) was 283 per1000 newborns. General death rate reached 29 per 1000 people, average lifespan did not exceed 32 years.

By the beginning of 1930s the health rate of the population continued to cause serious anxiety. The authorities of the Republic raised the question of establishing a higher medical educational institution in the Republic.

On 25 March, 1932 the Council of Peoples Commissars issued the order that envisaged the establishment of a medical institute in the city of Ufa.

On 15 November, 1932 there was a ceremonial opening of the medical institute (it was the third higher education institution in Bashkiria), the first classes began. This date is considered initial. Solomon Traynin (1902-1974) was appointed the first director of the Institute.

Solomon Traynin graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Lomonosov State Medical University, and was sent to Ufa. Since 1925 to 1930 he worked at the Republican Dermatovenerologic Health Center, in 1930 he became the head of the newly opened Scientific Research Dermatovenerologic Institute. Since 1932 to 1937 he was the director of Bashkir Medical Institute. Thanks to his energy and executive talent, very soon the Institute gained faculty, all structural subdivisions were formed. For a great contribution to development of healthcare in Bashkiria he was awarded the Order of Lenin. In 1937 he was persecuted for political reasons and sent to Magadan. After rehabilitation in 1955 he stayed there in Magadan and started to work as a STD and skin specialist.

The Institute was quickly developing as a scientific institution. In 1938 they began publishing scientific books of the Institute, in 1939 the first scientific conferences were hosted. In 1940 Sabir Lukmanov, Chair of the Normal Anatomy Department, Assistant Professor, was appointed Peoples Commissar of Healthcare of the Republic. This event made the Institute connected with the healthcare system more tightly. When the World War Second began the Institute adjusted its work to national needs in war time. On the first days of the war a part of the Institute faculty liable for military service and administrative staff were called to arms. During the war time the Institute prepared 905 doctors.

Graduates and students of the Institute - more than a thousand - sacredly did their duty during the war. Most of them came back for work at health care institutions. But not everybody came back - 63 of them perished giving their lives for the freedom and honor of our country. Many of them were awarded orders and medals, and were granted the status of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1944 the Institute acquired the right to train PhD students. The first PhD students were Dina Lazareva (Pharmacology), Zumarat Valeyeva (Physiology), Manura Ibragimova (Pathological Anatomy).

A great role in the Institute adjustment for the war time belongs to its Director, Assistant Professor Gennadiy Pandikov who possessed good organizing skills.

The following history of BSMU can be described as the following:

1947new Director A.A. Ivanov, Assistant Professor, participant of the World War Second
1961opening of the Pediatrics Faculty
1970opening of the Sanitary and Hygiene Faculty
1970creation of the Council on award of the PhD degree
1976opening of the Dentistry Department
1976opening of the Upgrading Faculty
1980creation of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory
1982opening of the Pharmacy Faculty
1989the Institute was certified by the Russian National Committee for Higher Education
1992the Institute opened a new specialty Nursing
1995Bashkir State Medical Institute was renamed into Bashkir State Medical University
1995, 2001the University was certified by the Russian National Committee for Higher Education
2005Nursing Faculty was renamed into Preventive Medicine and Nursing Faculty
2006the University acquired the license for educational activity, opening of the specialty Microbiology

In 1957 the Institute celebrated its 25th anniversary. For these years the Institute had prepared 4082 doctors, faculty members had defended 132 PhD theses, the Institute had hosted 38 science conferences. A great contribution to the development of the Institute was made by Professors S. Lukmanov, G. Teregulov, M. Savchenko, N. Sherstennikov, I. Lerman, I. Kadyrov, V. Tretyakov, D. Tatarinov, I. Sluchevskiy, Assistant Professor V. Romankevich and others.

1957- 1973 is an important period in the life of the Institute when the Ministry for Healthcare together with Bashkir Medical Institute took some effective measures for improvement healthcare in the Republic.

1965 - 1973 - the Institute was headed by Professor Z. Ikhsanov. This period is characterized by frequent visits of the Institute scientists to different areas of the Republic. Doctors were involved into scientific researches, they defended about 200 PhD theses.

1973 - 1982 - the Institute was headed by Y. Lotsmanov. The Institute began to involve computer programming in the educational process. The Council for scientific organization of the educational process was created. The institute gained the right to publish educational and methodic literature. There was opened an upgrading institute for doctors. More than 2000 doctors undergone training at this Institute from 1976 to 1982.

1982-1988 - the Institute was headed by Professor Vener Sakhautdinov. Under his rule, there was opened a sanatorium, two hostels for 1100 beds and a sport camp were built.

1988 - 1994 the Institute was headed by Felix Kamilov. They continued to develop qualitative forms of training, performed serious researches of problems in maternity, child's health, occupational hygiene and environmental control. From 1986 to 1990 more than 4000 students graduated from the Institute, about 3400 doctors completed upgrading courses, 220 PhD theses were defended.

In 1994, Professor Vil Timerbulalatov was appointed a new director of the Institute. In 1995 the Institute became a university. That meant a principal transfer to a new level of development of the medical institution. Today Bashkortostan State Medical University (the official name of the University since 2011) is one of the leading, ranking tenth, medical universities of Russia. It possesses powerful human resources - 735 PhD doctors.

It has distinguished scientific schools - schools of surgeons, oncologists, physicians, neurologists, infectious diseases doctors, dermatologists, biochemists, morphologists, etc.

Bashkir State Medical University is the center of medical and pharmaceutical science of Bashkortostan Republic. For 80 years our institution has been successfully training specialists for health care, scientific and pedagogical work in the sphere of professional medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Federation. Scholars of Bashkir State Medical University justly represent our Republic and Russia at the international events in different spheres of natural sciences.

The university faculty consists of famous scholars and medical practitioners who are involved in teaching, medical, scientific and innovative activity. BSMU possesses material and technical resources, training facilities, and a large library stock.

BSMU scientific schools, like schools of surgeons, oncologists, cardiologists, morphologists, which serve as bases for scientific research institutes, became famous throughout the world.

We are glad to open doors for new students from around the world, and we are ready for cooperation in educational, scientific and innovative work.

Policlinic Therapy

First Department of internal medicine clinic was established in Russia in California (now University of Tartu) in the year 1805, founded and headed by her Professor Balk. The Veresayevs diary mentions this Chair as the most interesting for students where they feel doctors. Botkin felt appropriate still teaching students at the polyclinic therapy on the last course for a whole semester, because, according to him, the stark reality of polyclinic therapy differs significantly from the hothouse environment of the University Clinic. A similar Chair at the Moscow University was opened in 1896. After the revolution of 1930, on the initiative of the first health Commissar, N.A. Semashko in Moscow State University Faculty of Medicine began the work the Department of the out-patients clinic for internal medicine. In the formation and development of this unit benefits from the active involvement of many large domestic therapists, especially Professor Maxim Petrovich Konchalovsky. Since the early 50 's with the introduction of the subordinatury out-patients clinic of internal medicine was began to teach in all departments. However, the lack of systematic organizational-methodical support, experience in the clinic faculty, professional orientation of students primarily to fixed work had its negative effects. Certainly striking symptoms of classical forms of disease, principles of differential diagnosis, treatment must be internalized by students at the bedside in a hospital, where treatment is usually heavy patients. However, the bulk of the population in 90% of cases are medical care in an out-patients clinic, where the range and frequency of occurring diseases, management of patients, especially the treatment at home, the functional responsibilities of doctors of out-patients clinic, their conditions of work are significantly different from stationary.

Historical experience, experience in preparing district doctors abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada) prompted the need to reconstitute and out-patients therapy chairs in our universities. In accordance with the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry Of Health of the USSR and RSFSR Ministry departments were organized into 50 out-patients therapy of medical universities of the country. The substance and purpose of the educational process at the Department of out-patients therapy is to develop the ability to form a system diagnostic, treatment plan, the implementation of a range of prevention activities following the principles of medical ethics. Proposal for a new Department for preventive service of the Republic of Bashkortostan has found understanding and support of the University Administration and the Ministry of health of Bashkortostan. Chair of out-patients therapy BSMU was opened in August 1986. Manages the Department since its inception, doctor of medical sciences, Professor, honoured doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, honoured worker of higher school, the excellent of public health of the USSR Kryukova Antonina Yakovlevna. Creation of Department was preceded by preparatory work focused. Clinical databases were created with the active participation of the Chief doctors in polyclinics with modern equipment; N1 – head doctor Salikhova Elvira Shaukatovna; №33 – chief doctor Vladimir Vasiliyevich Tyrtyshny; №43 – head вщсещк Faizov Rail Gumeroviср; №46 – chief doctor Galimov Rais Nagimovich; №49 – chief doctor Gainetdinov Radik Akhmetovich took part and several other clinics. First assistants have become teachers with extensive experience in academia and public health practice: Rodikova Natalia Nikolaevna Kildiyarov Aleksandr Bajgazovich, Khasanov Gali Valeevich, Rakhmanov Reef Aheevich, Morugova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna. The head teachers of Department were Morugova T.V., Nizamutdinova R.S., Bakirova Z.A., is presently Associate Professor Tuvalyeva Liya Salimyanovna. Enthusiastic pioneers the employees of the Department have worked and are working on making your own teaching development of out-patients therapy, which sets out the main issues and private medical-employment assessment, rehabilitation, therapeutic profile patients deliver lectures, hold workshops with students, working with them on practical advise reception difficult patients in diagnostic terms, help students acquire practical skills for a district doctor. The Chair is replenished by qualified teachers: Bakirova Z.A., Pavlova G.A., Nizamutdinova R.S., Scshezhin V.A., senior laboratory assistant Lev A.V., Ignatieva T.P., Mizin V.T., Akimova L.A., Volevach L.V., Tikhomirov A.Yu., Akhmadullina G.Ch., Tuvalyeva L.S., Nizamova E.I., Kamalova A.A., Khismatullina G.Ya. Acquisition of Sakhautdinovoj G.M., Nikitina E.A., Kuramshinoj O.A., Gabbasovoj L.V. and becomes the Chair in scientific and pedagogical terms, mature, capable of holding up-to-date research, organize the educational process at the level of the requirements of time, provide practical assistance to the various health care

Eligibility Criteria (MBBS Admission Abroad)

Eligibility students obtaining 50% marks in (PCBE) i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, & English (40% marks in case of students belonging to reserved category) in 12th science standard and age 17 years till 31 December 2016 are eligible for medical studies as per the norms of MCI MBBS study abroad for more information plz visit :

Recognized by WHO , ECFMG (USA), Eligible to practice in India as per MCI regulation &Medical Board of California. The University is member of AMSE (Association of Medical Schools of Europe). After passing degree from University students are eligible for USMLE (USA) or PLUB (UK) Exams.

Fees Structure - Bashkir State Medical University,Russia

5000 USD P/Year (1st Year) = 3,25,000 INR
2500 USD P/Year (2nd Year to 6 th year ) = 1,62,500 INR
TOTAL FEE – 11,37,000=00 INR ( 1st to 6th Year) Approx

Fees includes Tuition Fee only,

Basic Hostel Fee 500 USD P/Year & Medical Insurance 150 USD P/Year

Mess 100 USD P/ Month Extra.

Basic service charges,Visa ,Documtentation ,Air ticket 1,45,000 INR Extra

(1 USD = 65 Rupees)



Fees includes Tuition Fee, Hostel Fee & Medical Insurance only,

Mess Extra.

Basic service charges,Visa ,Documtentation ,Air ticket 1,45,000 INR Extra

(1 USD = 65 Rupees)

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  • Univesity fees includes study material,exams & Laboratory Fees
  • Administrative Fees: 0 - 1000 / 1500 US$ (only for first year) & Medical insurance 100$/150$ depending upon university
  • Medical checkup in Russia extra
  • 1$ = 65 INR for calculation purpose.
  • If any variation in $ rates current rates are applied.
  • The above mentioned Fees is for calculation purpose & student will have to pay the fees actually mentioned in admission letter or changes if any whatever given by University
  • VISA Processing, Documentation ,Air ticket ,airport drop and pickup ,consultanty service Charges – 1,45,000=00 Rs. - 20000 1st instalments at Registration time ( Admission Letter in 3-7 days) Rs - 50000 2nd instalment at visa processing Rs – 75000 at the before Departure
  • Though due care is taken while preparing this fee structure chart their may be minor changes in the fees depending on the circumstances we are not respo- nsible for the same
  • Any delay due to afore-mentioned or travel day ,ticketing/flight delay,act of God , Nature or war or change in Government policy are not the responsiblity or liabl- ity of agents or represantative or its associates
  • There may be changes in above fees Mentioned
  • Duration – 5.8 years
  • Medium – English & Russian

Tuition Fee - Includes Study Materials, Library Charge, Laboratory Charge & Examination Fee Hostel Fee - Includes Accommodation, Bedding, Furniture, 24-hrs Electricity, 24-hrs Gas in Separate Kitchen, 24-hrs Hot &Cold water supply and Centralized Room heating system. Eligibility: He / She should have obtained aggregate 50% marks in the Physics / Chemistry / Biology/English in the 12th standard. As per the requirement of the Medical Council of India. There are no entrances examinations and the admissions are strictly on a first come first served basis. From world over there are large number of applicants and the seats are limited therefore, there is an added benefit to those applicants who apply early. The admission will start from January 2017.

Documents required for admission in Russia for MBBS course:

  • Scanned copy of passing certificate and mark sheet of class 10th - 12th,
  • Scanned copy of passport (if your Passport is ready)
  • Apply immediately for passport. (if your Passport is not ready)